Hang the next day's outfit up on a valet hook.
Next, spend two to three minutes picking out your clothes for the next three days. Make sure nothing has fallen that should be hanging or folded on a shelf. Line up shoes, storage boxes, luggage-whatever you have on the bottom of your closet. Shelf dividers make stacks so much more organized and cut down on wrinkles because your sweaters aren't toppling over anymore. If you continually notice your neatly folded stacks of sweaters moving out of place, consider adding shelf dividers. There's no need to refold everything (unless it's a total disaster), just straighten the stacks. Then, start on the folded clothes in your closet, like sweaters and long-sleeve shirts. For instance, if you want to have everything color-coded keep going until all of your navy blues are lined up. Rearrange hanging pieces until everything is hung together the way you like it. Move any dirty clothes into the hamper. Start with your hanging clothes and ensure that similar items are hung together, such as pants with pants and shirts with shirts. Hang up or fold any clothing that is strewn across the bedroom. Head to the closet and grab any empty hangers and put them aside where they will be easy to reach once you get going. Return bags, cell phones, and keys to their holders, and consider this a good time to also sort the mail. Pick up any shoes or boots that were discarded in this space to be put back in their designated areas. Go through your accessories and return them to their rightful storage spaces. Example: Any dirty gym clothes go in the bin to be transported to the laundry room. Repeat the process with book bags, handbags, and gym bags, placing anything that doesn't belong in them either in the trash, recycling bin, or in your clutter bin to be brought to another room. Check the pockets of any regularly worn outerwear and declutter them by trashing old gum wrappers, recycling receipts, returning loose change to your wallet or change holder, and returning your keys to their storage space. Begin by hanging up any coats or jackets that belong in the hall closet or on a coatrack that made their way onto the backs of chairs, on the entryway bench, or into another room (check the kitchen-typically the second stop when entering the home). To finish, take that bin and return everything in it to the room it's supposed to be in. Finally, hit the coffee table, returning everything on top to its proper storage space. Fold any blankets lying around and return them to their home base, whether that is draped over the back of a couch or in a basket. Consider using a tray to house these major sources of clutter. Recycle any catalogs or magazines that you have not touched in a month. Straighten and re-stack any books that need rearranging. Having a designated area for remotes will make them less likely to go missing.
Corral all of your remotes and return them to the tray or box you store them in. In the entertainment center area, unwind and restore any cords that have twisted out of place and restack blu-rays, video games, and other small items.Toss any toys back into the bins, cubbies, or chests you keep them in.Next, go through each area returning everything to its proper storage place.Keep an eye out for any items that don't belong in the living room. Grab a bin large enough to hold things like magazines and books and then walk around the room putting anything out of place in the bin.
The Spruce Home Improvement Review Board.